
The Sweet Delilah Swim Club Cast


The Sweet Delilah Swim Club Cast:

Sarah Gooch as SHEREE (the perennial team captain and eternal tom boy)

Ranea Clement as DINAH (the attorney that’s never without her martini and dry humor)

Molly Hanley as LEXIE (youth -obsessed event planner and man-magnet)

Lindsay Isgrig as JERI NEAL (former nun and ditzy ray of sunshine)

Patrice Zap as VERNADETTE (public school teacher with self-deprecating humor)

Clue Dramedy Cast List

Wadsworth………………….. Celia Blackaby

Yvettte………………………….Melody Peterson

Miss Scarlet…………………..Rebecca Stanford

Auxilary Scarlet……………..Ariya Mongler (Theatrical Trick)

Mrs. Peacock…………………Cecilia Brauker

Mrs. White……………………..Hannah Maxwell

Colonel Mustard…………..Margaret Kreyling

Auxiliary Mustard………….Maisyn Myers (Theatrical Trick)

Professor Plum……………..Jane Kreyling

Mr. Green………………………Bethany Stanford

Cook 1……………………………Bristol Curtis

Cook 2…………………………..Viola Roland

Telegram Girl………………..Aemelia Brauker

Telegram Girl 2……………..Marisa Mannino

Mr. Boddy……………………..William Denton

Motorist 1……………………..Natalie Stuart

Motorist 2……………………..Opal Dunkerson

Dead Motorist………………Allison Stuart

Chief of Police……………….Evan Stuart

Backup Cop………………….Brea Wichern

Unexpected Cop…………..Sunny Wright

Newscaster 1…………………Hannah Reetz

Newscaster 2………………..Will Swon

Cameraman…………………Sophie King

Maid……………………………Juniper Jackson