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Andelin Scholarship
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Theatre Code of Ethics
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Presser Arts Center
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My Account
Creative Community 2025
Event Information
Pay Class Fees & Register
Purchase Event Tickets
Playbill Ad Sales
Gift Certificates Available!
Donations & Memberships
About PAC
Board of Directors
Staff and Faculty
PAC Sponsors
Job Opportunities
Rental and Space Specs
ADA Information
PAC Programs
Art Gallery
Classes & Workshops
Dance Class Tuition
Arts for All Abilities
Martial Arts
Health & Wellness
Summer Camps
Summer Camp Tuition
Scholarship Application
Andelin Scholarship
Get Involved
Summer Camp Audition Tips
Theatre Code of Ethics
Join us Backstage
Volunteer Application
Tax Credits
Online Arting
Online Art Box
Audition Form
Ceramic Group Classes
Call for Class Ideas
Dance Registration Form
Registration Form
Behavior Contract
Female Measurements
Male Measurements
Music Registration
Newsletter Signup
Scholarship Application
Volunteer Application
Lease Agreement
WorkStudy Program
Privacy Policy
PAC Liability Form
Artist Waiver Form
SHOWME Workshop Registration
Tax Credits
Students Name
First Name
Last Name
Student Age
Date of birth
Please choose class for participation
Creative Movement (ages 3-5)
Pre Ballet (ages 6-7)
Ballet I (ages 6 and up)
Contact Email
Student Phone
Parent/Guardian Phone
Parent/Guardian Name
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Emergency Contact
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact Phone
Medical Information
Scholarship Information
Financial Assistance is available for all PAC programming. Scholarships are limited. A Scholarship Application Form must be filled out and on file with all the requirements completed to be considered for scholarship. If for any reason the scholarship recipient is unable to attend the program or camp, CANCELLATION must be made prior to the program or camp beginning. Failure to alert the Administrator of a possible vacancy will result in a LATE CANCELLATION FEE OF $50 and all future scholarship requests from that person will be flagged as “cautious consideration”. PAC incurs expenses for every program such as materials, teaching artists, equipment, consumables, rentals, transportation, etc. and when an empty spot in a program from a no-show or late cancellation occurs that could’ve been filled it impacts the income and viability of that program for the future. We ask that our scholarship applicants understand that a late cancellation or no-show will leave a void in the PAC program.
yes, student will be applying for a scholarship
no, student will NOT be applying for a scholarship
Tuition Options
Tuition is due on the 1st of the month. Any student on a monthly payment plan must have a credit card held on file. This card will be charged on the 5th of the month if tuition payment has not been received. Should accounts remain delinquent after 30 days, the student will be unable to attend further classes at Presser Arts Center until payment is brought current.
I would like to pay monthly
I will pay the entire semester
Media permission
I give permission to PAC to use any photographs or video of participant in Promotional materials, commercials and website
Are there any issues, allergies, behavioral concerns or mental health issues that would we should be aware of to help us serve the participant better? If so please share.
I am aware that dancing, and the exercises associated with it, place unusual stresses on the body, and carry with them the risk of physical injury. On behalf of my child and myself (and if I am no longer a minor, on my own behalf), I assume the risk and agree that Presser Arts Center Ballet shall not be liable in any way for injuries sustained during the attendance at Presser Arts Center Ballet or any of its related functions. I grant, my child, or ward, the permission to participate in Presser Arts Center Ballet semester. I hereby release and discharge the Presser Arts Center Ballet, its agents, employees, and officers from all claims, demands, actions, judgments, and executions which the undersigned’s heirs, executors, administrators or assigns may have, or claim to have against Presser Arts Center Ballet, its successors, or assigns, for all personal injuries caused by, or arising from, the above described activities, or any activities related thereto. Further, I grant Presser Arts Center Ballet, its agents and employees, permission to authorize any emergency medical treatment that may be required for my child, or ward, during the school semester.
I need more information
My Medical Insurance is offered through
Please list Insurance Company, Policy Number, Coverage Dates
Release: I, the undersigned parent/guardian of this student, a minor, do hereby release and discharge PPAC from any and all claims for personal injuries.
Behavior Contract
Behavior Contract * BEHAVIOR CONTRACT SUMMER FINE ARTS CAMP AND PAC BEHAVIOR CONTRACT RULES FOR REHEARSAL SPACE AND THEATRE FACILITY I know that participating in Summer Camp is a privilege and I will abide by the following: • Respect all personnel-directors, teachers, artistic team members, parents, other students, and facility representatives at all times. • Use honoring language and actions; I will not gossip, name-call, use profanity or inappropriate words or actions. • Treat property and facility with care. • Dress modestly and appropriately; I will not wear clothing that will be distracting-this includes for girls: short pants that are shorter than the length of my arm, no bare midriffs or cleavage showing. Boys: pants must be worn no lower than hips, and no underclothing showing, no tee shirts with inappropriate logos or pictures. No sandals or flip-flops, I must wear closed-toe shoes at all times. • Be appropriate in my relationship choices and actions; I will avoid the use of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and overt physical contact with others. • I will not leave the building without permission of the Director or Assistant Director. • I will check out with the Director or Assistant Director before I am released to go home. A parent/guardian must come to the door to pick me up. • My parent(s) or guardian must provide a note if someone else is taking me home. • I will TURN OFF my cell phone and all other electronic devices prior to entering class each day and KEEP THEM OFF or KEEP THEM AT HOME. I understand that Presser Performing Arts is not responsible for any lost or stolen property. At the Theatre Facility: I understand that • I do not touch anyone's props except my own, unless directed to do so. • No eating, drinking (except water) and no horseplay in costume • Costumes are hung up neatly on hangers every night without exception. Dressing rooms are left clean and orderly. We are guests in the facilities we are using. Cast members will receive one warning. On the second warning, parents will be called for a conference. Any further violations, cast member will be dismissed from the cast. I understand that behavior problems may affect future participation in Presser Performing Arts Center. I have read the above rules and reviewed them with my child. I agree to hold Presser Performing Arts Center, and/or their assignee's, harmless in the event of an injury or accident. I consent to surveillance video cameras in all public spaces of Presser By completing my name below I agree to all of these terms and conditions. Type Students Name Below
First Name
Last Name
Thank you!