Scholarship Application
There are needs that participants experience other than financial. At Presser Arts Center we look at the entire package received for each participant to weigh assistance for every household.
The Financial Assistance Application should be completed with thought and a compelling request in the narrative portion. Each Financial Assistance Application is scored.
The score is then averaged with the percent in the Metric and that will be the percent taken off the tuition costs of the camp or program.
For instance: If the participant is in a household of 4
with an annual income of $30,000 = 90% offered in assistance from the scale above
and their application score is 75%
90 + 75 = 165
165 divided by 2 = 82.5%
If a summer camp is chosen with tuition costing $300
then the Financial Assistance offered would be :
$247.50 (which is 82.5% of the $300)
Cost to the participant $52.50
Scores are based on having a COMPLETE application and a compelling NARRATIVE.
The Narrative written by the student should state the following:
The student’s interest in the arts and what the opportunity means to them.
How the student has been changed by the arts, or what they expect from the art experience.
The Narrative written by the guardian should state the following:
The guardians support for their participant in the arts and how they have noticed the arts impact on the participant.
Why is assistance needed? Are there extenuating circumstances in the household that would present the need for assistance? For instance: Is the participant in Foster Care? Is the participant in the legal custody of their grandparents or other family member? Are the guardians full time students? Are the guardians on social security?
Are you (guardian) able and/or willing to commit time or talent to Presser? What or how could you do this? If not, please explain why? Some of the time and talents given to Presser from guardians could be but not limited to:
Volunteering to sew costumes, and or gather costumes
Accompanying on an instrument
Volunteering to help in Box Office or Ushering or Concession
Volunteering to help Supervise participants during lunch breaks, break times or field trips
Assisting backstage during one of the productions of which student is participating
Helping with Strike, dismantling set, putting costumes away, cleaning up makeup rooms, etc.
Application Requirements:
1. Please provide one of these for Income Documentation:
a. previous years income tax return
b. Unemployment compensation determination letters
c. documented proof of residence in area of low income
d. EBT Card
e. WIC Card
f. written confirmation of use at homeless shelter
g. on free and reduced lunch
2. 2 letters of recommendation
3. Applicants must be residents of Missouri.
4. APPLICATION filled out with any additional pages attached.
5. Please provide Thoughtfulness of responses to present a desire and or need. 6. Commitment of 80% attendance is required to keep the financial assistance, if participant misses more than 20% of program they will be asked to pay the full amount of the program or asked to leave the program, except in extenuating circumstances
Work Study
The work study program is available for students and adults ages 12 and up to assist them in being able to attend our summer camps and year-round programs.
Work Study is available to those that qualify through the interviewing process.
It is a first come first serve program, and the hours worked can be performed anytime in the year collaborated with the Presser Administrative staff BEFORE the program or camp begins. To participate in the program there are certain eligibility requirements:
Fill out VOLUNTEER application.
Participant must have reliable transportation.
Interview with the Administrator and or the Executive Director.
AGREE to Arrive on time and have transportation arranged for pick up at conclusion of committed work time.
The work study discussed may be applied to a certain program or camp and may be transferred to another program/camp no later than 14 days prior to that program or camp beginning if space remains available. If work study hours are not completed to cover the entire cost of the program/camp we will Pro-Rate the remaining cost of the program or camp.
For a program costing $300 the Work Study participant can anticipate working 40 hours prior to the program to offset the entire cost of the program.
Scale of work study hours for tuition free program or camp
Cost of program or camp. Work study hours
$600 80
$450 60
$300 40
$150 20
$125 16
$ 75 10